Oh spring is in the air! It is always such a beautiful time of year, watching the blossoms bursting forth from the trees, hearing the birds singing a little brighter as they welcome the warm weather, and basking in the sun as it gradually stretches out the days and shakes off Winter’s chill.
This is the time of year where our lovely fresh juices and smoothies entice the staff here at My Rainbow-Dreams. If you are looking for something to tide you over to your next meal, may we humbly suggest one of our smoothies.

One of my favourites is the Mighty Maca smoothie, or what I like to call a healthy iced chocolate. With raw cacao, maca, dates, cinnamon, banana, vanilla and soy milk, it is packed with all that good stuff that will give you a boost and keep you going. Cacao is high in antioxidants as well as magnesium (which can help reduce stress), potassium, and iron. Cacao is also high in healthy fats to help us stay satiated and energised. Maca is a cruciferous vegetable and therefore related to broccoli and cauliflower: it is ground up into a powder and added to this smoothie. It’s high in Vitamin C, copper and iron. Add some dates that have a long list of health benefits and give such a great natural sweetness to this smoothie, then banana and soy milk (or your preferred milk alternative) for its body and Whoa! – a yummy nutritious cup of goodness :-)