
The Simplest De-Stress Routine – Alternate Nostril Breathing

Caution – this exercise involves touching your face, so be sure to wash your hands thoroughly first!


Have you found your mind spinning in this challenging time? This is an ancient technique for calming the mind and nerves, and it only takes a few seconds...

We recommend practising somewhere you can be alone – like in isolation – rather than in public, unless you want to attract some strange looks…

Sit quietly for half a minute, breathing normally. Press the right nostril with the right thumb and take in a breath with your left nostril. As you breathe in, repeat an inspiring word once, slowly. Then hold your breath for four repetitions of your word, in the same rhythm. And finally release your right nostril, press your left nostril with your fourth finger and release your breath to two repetitions of your positive word. Then repeat the whole process the opposite way, starting with the left nostril closed.

In the beginning, only do it a few times each side. Too much, too soon will give you a headache!

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